Hai Guys, Komunitas Animator 3D Max membuka sebuah layanan baru yaitu Free download 3D Max Script, bagi yang belum tau apa itu Max Script dan fungsinya akan saya jelaskan.
Max Script adalah sebuah script yang bisa digunakan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan kita sebagai pengguna 3D Max, cara menggunakannya cukup kalian lihat di Top Menu pada 3D Max kalian biasanya pada sisi kanan, lalu kalian lihat MAX Script > Open Script atau Max Script > Run Script maka secara otomatis Max akan meloading Script kalian dan kalian sudah bisa mulai mengeksplor script baru kalian.
TexTools: Toolbox for the texture artist
What is it:
A collection of tools that helps any texture artist with UV and texture related tasks. The main philosophy is to shorten typical steps into simple context sensitive single clicks. You don't need administrative rights, just drag the MZP file into the viewport and let it install itself into your 3dsMax user folders.
Most scripts are developed by me, I asked some people however to share their scripts and let me include them.Note that the scripts are free to improve, change, use for your own, just include the credits should you repackage anything. I stored each tool into a self contagious *.ms file so it should be easy to explore and extend the scripts for your own needs.
for more information and discussion
Additional Info:
Installation: Just drag the MZP file into the viewport and install it from there. All files will be stored in your local 3dsmax userfiles so you don't need any Administrative rights to install it.
Version Requirement:
9, 2008, 2009, 2010
Other Software Required:
Photoshop (optional for opening textures in PS)
Homepage URL:
Download URL:
Max Script adalah sebuah script yang bisa digunakan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan kita sebagai pengguna 3D Max, cara menggunakannya cukup kalian lihat di Top Menu pada 3D Max kalian biasanya pada sisi kanan, lalu kalian lihat MAX Script > Open Script atau Max Script > Run Script maka secara otomatis Max akan meloading Script kalian dan kalian sudah bisa mulai mengeksplor script baru kalian.
TexTools: Toolbox for the texture artist
A collection of tools that helps any texture artist with UV and texture related tasks. The main philosophy is to shorten typical steps into simple context sensitive single clicks. You don't need administrative rights, just drag the MZP file into the viewport and let it install itself into your 3dsMax user folders.
Most scripts are developed by me, I asked some people however to share their scripts and let me include them.Note that the scripts are free to improve, change, use for your own, just include the credits should you repackage anything. I stored each tool into a self contagious *.ms file so it should be easy to explore and extend the scripts for your own needs.
for more information and discussion
Additional Info:
Installation: Just drag the MZP file into the viewport and install it from there. All files will be stored in your local 3dsmax userfiles so you don't need any Administrative rights to install it.
Version Requirement:
9, 2008, 2009, 2010
Other Software Required:
Photoshop (optional for opening textures in PS)
Homepage URL:
Download URL:
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