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Kamis, 15 November 2012

Tutorial Adobe Photoshop CS4 Selections and Masks

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Selections and Masks

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Selections and Masks

Mampu membuat pilihan yang akurat adalah salah satu keterampilan yang paling penting dalam adobe Photoshop dan membuat mereka pilihan cepat dan tanpa kesulitan adalah sama pentingnya. Join Dave Cross tutorial karena ia mencakup semua alat kunci dan teknik untuk menggunakan Selections and Masks.
Mulai dari bawah ke atas, dalam hal ini Adobe Photoshop CS4 dan Selections and Masks Anda akan belajar:

* Perbedaan antara selections dan masks dan mengapa hal itu penting untuk menggunakan keduanya
* Cara menggunakan alat seleksi secara individual dan bersama-sama sebagai "toolkit seleksi"
* Contoh yang selection tools untuk digunakan dalam situasi yang berbeda
* Fine-tuning pilihan menggunakan Quick Mask dan Refine Edges
* Cara menggunakan Channels untuk memilih subject yang sulit seperti rambut
* Membuat masks dari selections dan fine-tuning masks

Anda juga akan melihat ketika tidak mungkin diperlukan untuk membuat selection sama sekali, dan ikuti bersama sebagai Dave bekerja melalui beberapa contoh-contoh nyata. Membuat Selections and Masks adalah dua keterampilan yang Anda akan menggunakan waktu dan waktu lagi dan semakin baik dalam membuat karya anda, segala sesuatu mudah dan dapat di kerjakan di adobe Photoshop

Course Detail Adobe Photoshop Selections and Masks :

Introduction (00:43)
Course instructor Dave Cross gives a general overview of what will be covered in these classes
Selections Versus Masks (06:34)
See the difference between selections and masks, and why it is important to use both
Overview of Tools and Select Menu (05:17)
A quick overview of the key selection tools and functions
Marquee Tools (06:58)
How to use the Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee tools
Lasso Tools (09:09)
How to use the Regular, Magnetic and Polygonal Lasso tools, including how to switch between them on the fly
Quick Selection Tool/Magic Wand (05:28)
Learn how to make automatic selections with the Magic Wand and Quick Selection tools
Quick Mask (09:58)
Change the view of your selection and adjust that selection using Quick Mask
Pen Tool (07:39)
An overview of using the Open tool to draw (and edit) a path that can be turned into a selection
Bonus: Extract (05:34)
Learn about the optional Extract Filter: how to install and use it
Fine-Tuning Selections (07:17)
How to make your selection more accurate by fine-tuning the selection edge
Refine Edges (06:22)
See how the Refine Edge option lets you adjust the edge of your selection with a live preview
Color Range (10:02)
Learn how Color Range can help you select a specific range of colors throughout a document in a more interactive way than the Magic Wand
Bonus: Taking Better Photos (03:50)
If you are the one taking the photo, make less work for yourself
Making a Mask From a Selection (07:06)
How to turn your selection into an Alpha Channel or a Layer Mask
Editing a Mask (07:26)
Paint on the mask and use the Masks panel to get a better edge
Channel-Based Selection (11:38)
For complex selections, start with a channel to create a mask
Bonus: When Not To Make a Selection (04:26)
Sometimes you may not need to make a selection
Example 1 (04:40)
Watch a real-world example of making a complex selection
Example 2 (11:31)
Watch a real-world example of making a challenging selection
Conclusion (00:31)
Thanks for watching. You are ready to go out and make some selections and masks

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Selections and Masks

Publikasi : Kelby Training
Author : Dave Cross
Bahasa : English
Genre : training
File Size :512 MB
Software : Adobe Photoshop CS4
Download : Click Here
Pasword : photoshop
Cara download : click Here

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